
🚲 BEYEK: GPS bike monitoring system

For the full report click here!

For the city of Amsterdam, we had to create a system that collects data and visualises it. We decided to create a GPS bike monitoring system in Amsterdam. The system consists of a GPS tracker that is attached to a bike and an app that visualises the data. The course was not about programming, but rather about working with and visualising data. This is why a lot of thought has been put into the data collection and visualisation and the app design.

In the report we suggest a way to solve the bike problem in Amsterdam. The main problem is the number of bikes and the way they are parked. The bikes are parked everywhere, and this causes a lot of problems. The bikes are parked in the way of pedestrians, in front of doors, in the way of cars. This causes a lot of frustration for the people of Amsterdam. The city of Amsterdam has tried to solve this problem by creating bike parking garages, but this is not enough. The city of Amsterdam needs more data about the bikes and the way they are parked. This is why we created a GPS bike monitoring system.

After that we explore some possibilities about how the city can use the data to create parking regulations and how to enforce these. We talked about the dangers and ethics of using this data. We also talked about the privacy of the people that use the system. We concluded that the system is not a violation of privacy, because the data is anonymised and the people that use the system are aware of the data collection. We also concluded that the system is not dangerous, because the data is not used to track people, but to track bikes which should not be traceable to a person.

At the end we showcased the project by talking about the values, revenue model and the app design. We also talked about the future of the project and how it can be improved. We concluded that the project is viable and that it can be used to solve the bike problem in Amsterdam.

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